Keyword Analysis Tool

Are you struggling to find the right keywords and choose them?

The answer is: It’s not as easy and it seems right? But with the right keywords finding tool it gets much easier.

Of course you can do it on your own.

  • But how do you know if it’s compatible with SEOs?
  • How do you link your keywords with the different pages of your website?
  • How do you monetize these keywords?
  • How do you build your different page levels?
  • How do you build your landing pages? and
  • How do you choose your domain name?

Read on to find a few answers to your questions? 

A Website or a Blog is Not a Business

It is the “place of business.” Much like a physical store. If no one knows the store exists, no one will come to your door, right?

A module called “Analyze It!” trains you (painlessly) to write search engine optimized pages as you go. More importantly, though, is the bigger picture…

Solo Build It! Holiday Special

What if you had a keyword analysis tool that generates a list of keywords automatically?

Would this help build your website? And find the perfect niche to promote your ideas and products and at the same time help you find the perfect domain name?

Solopreneurs who use Solo Build it! (aka SBI) are up to 100 times more likely to succeed than others!

Most people don’t start an online business just to “have a business.” They do so because they have one or more significant goals. The difference between success and failure is more than important… This is why all aspects of your website are important, especially the domain name which fits with the analysis of each keywords you use on every single page… they have a link between each other that search engines look for and, again this is why you need a keyword analysis tool to help you choose the specific keywords for your theme based site.

It has life-changing impact.

keyword analysis tool
SBIers appreciate the role that SBI! plays in their lives. The even make videos about SBI! to "pay it forward"

Why build just a Website or Blog? Build a web Business!

Solo Build It! is all about you Starting and Building your Own Online Business.

You will not find another all-in-1, step-by-step system of process-and-software that delivers thriving businesses like this one anywhere. Absolutely no ad-ons or further purchases necessary. Everything is included… SBI! is all about building an e-business not merely a website or a blog-building like other offers. 

This is the single biggest difference between SBI! and every other product.

The “latest and greatest” site-building or blogging products are equivalent to less than 1/10th of SBI!’s business-building combination of process, tools, updating and guidance. Think of it this way…

The lack of business-building elements in WP are the business-building strengths of SBI!.

From the company that first developed the concept of theme-based content sites based on keyword research, the new Brainstorm It! 5 is the world’s first smart brainstormer, niche-picker, and keyword analysis tool.

Based on your areas of interest, Brainstorm It! delivers hundreds of possible Site Concepts for your new online venture. You’ll never be at a loss for fantastic business ideas!

Most solopreneurs fail to prepare adequately. Not so for SBIers! Before creating your very first web page, you will…

  • research what terms (“keywords”) visitors search for in your target market
  • know the competitive landscape and how to address it, and
  • plan how to monetize (the Web offers ways to make money from your business that you may not even know about).

Did I mention that WP does not build a business?

There are many qualities with WordPress, but one of them isn’t the building of a business. Yes you can easily build a beautiful website with flashy things using a whole bunch of Plugins but this does not build your business online.

If you’re using WordPress to build your website or blog and just don’t seem able to earn much income from it, there’s a reason why.

WordPress is site building software. Amazing software. but it only builds sites or blogs. Not businesses.

A site builder does not help you:

  • Research and analyze keywords, especially with an integrated keyword analysis tool
  • Select a niche
  • Develop your website blueprint
  • Drive traffic
  • Build trust with your audience
  • Monetize (aka make money with your site)

You need more than a site builder. You need a business builder.

Why You Succeed When You Add SBI! to WordPress

For two decades, the “Original” Solo Build It! has been taking everyday people through an ordered, all-in-one business-building program. It’s constantly being refined, while evolving it to optimize/leverage the use of new developments.

SBI! for WP provides all the business-building steps and every important tool from the Original SBI!.

Based on your areas of interest with Brainstorm It!…

  • researches what keywords (terms) visitors search for in your target market
  • provides guidance on the competitive landscape and how to address it
  • helps you plan how to monetize
  • continuously brings back high demand/low supply SEO topics to write about

SBI! for WP also updates you with what’s new and important in online business.

Additionally, a private forum community of fellow entrepreneurs are eager to answer any questions you might have.

You Need More Than WordPress to build a business

Watch the following video, this solopreneur turned his passion into Big money using SBI! step-by-step guide, and you can do the same, even if you use WP to build your site. Remember, no matter which sitebuilder you choose, it doesn’t build your business. What builds your business, is your knowledge, passion and desire combined with the best business building system/software available out there.

The proven way to build an online business

Let’s start by saying, it takes a bit of work and dedication… but with a step-by-step process, along with a “hidden partner” who takes care of all the technical and complicated stuff behind the scenes, it becomes much easier.

Technical barrier will not only frustrate and stop you, you will lose your focus on the important part of the business which is to provide in-demand “content” about something you know. From there, everything will fit together…

Content - Traffic - Presell - Monetize

Like you, internet users search for information, for solutions to a problem. On social media, especially on mobile devices, they look for videos of images. These are all forms of “Content.”

They’re not looking for you, but rather what you knowso give it to them.

Convert your personal knowledge into in-demand Content. To succeed, start where they probably start, on search engines or on social media, it all depends on your Content. Content based on well researched and analyzed keywords.

Your Content is found by searching or discovered on social media, attracting free, targeted (interested), open-to-you visitors. These visitors are your “Traffic” base. This is one more reason a good keyword analysis tool is a must for searches.

One thing about social media, it will widen your reach way beyond your site. So managing your site and social media well for mobile devices is a critical part of the process as well.

How does SBI! effectively drive the “T” in Traffic? 

In order to PREsell, strangers need to develop trust and confidence in you. Why? You “PREsell” by OVERdelivering what they want from your site… relevant, original information that they NEED. And you can deepen the “connection” with them through personal interactivity of social media.

Deliver it using your own voice, the way you talk and write. If you go beyong confidence, your visitors must (and they will) like you. You’re asking why it this so important?

Because why would a complete stranger buy from someone they don’t like and especially don’t trust?

Now it’s time to convert those warm, willing-to-buy “PREsold” visitors into income. Called “Monetizing” this is the easy part. But the “M” won’t happen if you fail to first execute C + T + P. This is where 99% of small online businesses fail. The “M” is at the end for a very good reason.

In order to drive the “M“, you need a motor, that motor is C+T+P, in that order.

Be sure that SBI! delivers the motor and of course the Monetization.

Once you have the proper keyword analysis tool, everything comes into place

Solo Build It!

Wait! Before you choose your domain name... consider this!

  • The keyword you choose has to be the same as your domain name, why? 

Because it all fit with the concept of theme-based-website, so you need to do your research before you decide on your domain name…

And so does every page of your website. Each page requires a unique keyword and, these keywords are researched and fed to you by SBI! when you use the Brainstorming tool, called Brainstormer!

  • It brainstorms the entire web in search of your selected keyword or key phrase
  • It filters and prepares a Master Keyword list with the Value demand,, the Real supply, the Profitability, how it is present on Google and Bing and way, way more.
  • It regroups keywords, it seed words and
  • Best of all creates a Blueprint of your site according to the above values

It provides the keyword for your main page (index), then your secondary pages, your tiercery pages and your landing pages, providing you with an easy blueprint for your entire site to work with.

With SBI! your domain name is included along with hosting and SEO submission

When you consider the price of buying a domain name, a hosting plan, WP plugins and other Pro tools like Elementor or other site building elements, adding the fact that you will have to submit your site regularly, SBI! does that automatically. SBI! is cheap compare to all the rest out there.

If you prefer WP, there is SBI! for WP, which uses the same exact Solo Build It system as the regular SBI!

It’s all up to you, but remember WP alone does not build an online business, Solo Build It does!

Solo Build It!
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